Saying Goodbye Gracefully

We understand how difficult this time can be for you and your friend. That’s why we offer a variety of options for you to choose from. Your pet is more than an animal, he or she is a part of the family, and should be treated that way.
We all deal with loss differently, so if you feel the need to stay away during the procedure, we will arrange the matter to suit you and your pet’s needs. If you desire to stay by your pet’s side, we will accommodate that as well.
And, if you need a little more time with your pet, we will give you both a private room. We want your pet’s journey to the afterlife to be as smooth as possible—but we also want you to be comforted and treated with compassion.
Burial & Cremation
It is important to note that there are no pet burials allowed in Lake Elsinore. For that reason, and because many owners elect private pet cremation, we use the services of Furever Loved | Pet Cremation Southern California located at 29360 Hunco Way Unit B, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530. Their phone number is (619) 519-1711.
Furever Loved Pet Cremation offers communal cremations with your pet’s ashes scattered on the facility’s premises among the wildflowers, as well as individual cremations with a variety of options for your pet’s ashes. Your pet’s ashes may be put into a pendant, urn, box, or personal vessel of your choosing. There will also be a paw print and an engraved plaque to commemorate the loss of your friend. We are available to go over the different options with you at any time.
We know these are uncomfortable things to discuss, but we want to be there for you and your pet as they go on to their final resting place. We also have Pet Loss Resources to help you through your grief.