Mountainview Small Animal Hospital Blog

Saying Goodbye to Jean

Some of our regular clients will notice a familiar face is missing here at Mountainview–Jean has moved out of California this past week.
For almost 10 years, Jean was one of our extremely talented, compassionate RVTs providing excellent care to our patients and we are sad to see her leave us. She and her husband purchased their dream home with property on a lake–so rather than wallowing in woe, we will choose to be happy for her knowing the bliss she must be feeling in her gorgeous new place. We know our clients will miss her too, but feel they will bond with Katie, who recently achieved her RVT designation and is working hard to fill Jean’s shoes.
We wish Jean and her husband the best, and hope to see her now and again when she pops into CA for a visit.

posted in:  NOTICES


Very friendly staff, clean place, my dog wasn’t scared. They were super sweet and nice to him.
— Zhanna