Mountainview Small Animal Hospital Blog

Charlie Gets a Forever Home

“Charlie” was a 3 month old kitten with a broken jaw that was brought in by Animal Friends for Dr. Hempel to evaluate back in October. Charlie seemed fairly healthy otherwise, and had such a great disposition and so much personality that Dr Hempel offered to do the repair and find this little fella a home. It is with great excitement that we can report Charlie went to his forever home this past Wednesday and is bringing joy to a wonderful couple that love him so very much.

His new mommy wrote us a lovely thank you letter:
“I want to say ‘thank you’ to all of you for the loving and expert care you gave to Charlie as an abandoned, injured kitten.
It has been fourteen years since I lost a sweet cat/companion to cancer. We’d had him for about 16 years, and he often slept with me on my pillow. Then I did a lot of traveling with my husband for his job and didn’t feel it was good to leave a cat to be alone most of the time.
Our circumstances advanced to being retired, but I had long thought we’d never have a dear cat in our lives again. Then Alyssa started bringing Charlie home for overnight. I was encouraged to hold him in the room where he was kept. He was so easy to bond with. My dear husband recognized my love for cats and could tell this cat and I would be great friends. He let me know it was time for me to find ‘cat love’ again and encouraged me to say ‘yes’ to Charlie.

I know from Alyssa that the staff and doctors of the animal hospital have taken a big liking to Charlie, so I hoped and prayed we’d be allowed to have him.
We (both my husband and me) are already bonding, and Charlie is getting used to his new ‘home’ and doing a lot of exploring.

Mountainview will see him occasionally when he needs shots or routine care. Thank you many times over for this dear, sweet new cat in our lives.”

Happy Christmas everyone–may you find joy in the little things. Sometimes the little things are black and white and covered in fur.



Your staff is outgoing and friendly. They make you feel welcome and they like to welcome the animal as well. For only seeing my dog 2-3 times, they seemed to remember her.
— Michael